Membership in the Buck Lake Association is open to anyone owning or residing on property bordering Buck Lake. In practice, the family members of any cottage or residence on the lake may hold a common membership, but only one of those members is entitled to vote at a general meeting.
The current annual membership fee is $25. You can renew your membership by e-transfer or by downloading the membership form and mailing it. Memberships are for the calendar year – January 1 to December 31.
Join or Renew Online
You can now send an e-transfer to to become a member or to renew your membership online (no password required).
Fees are still $25 for one year, $50 for two, $75 for three, or $100 for four years.
Please include your lake address in the e-transfer comments.
Pay by Mail
Please complete and print our Membership Form to accompany your cheque, payable to the Buck Lake Association and mail them both to us at Box 36, INVERARY, ON K0H 1X0.
For more information regarding membership, please write to